Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Drowning in Denim

Denim has overtaken my closet. All shades of denim. And a few scrap pieces of fabric. I started saving them to work on a quilt. This quilt.

In 4 years this is all I have accomplished! Ok, I got sidetracked with work, children, life. But I still save jeans! lol I've made a few jean purses, chopped up a few pairs to patch the jeans that still fit my boys, but mainly I pile them in my closet, in rubbermaid tubs.

I've dug the jeans & tubs out of my closet to make room for my new yarn stash. And it sorta made me decide to get my butt moving on the quilt again.
Perhaps I can get it done this summer, before the cold weather hits? My current bedspread just got a big rip in it. I'll be patching it up before it gets put away for the season, but another big one for our bed would be nice!
I'm thinking I have waaayyyy more than enough denim here to do more than just finish my partially done quilt. I have more squares/pockets cut and ready to be peiced back together in this other tub. (oh goodenss, perhaps seeing it all again will convince me how looney I really am!)
Any pattern ideas? What else can I do with these jeans? And there will pretty much be a constant supply of jeans, with three very active boys.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't touch it this summer!! I've mainly worked on crocet projects, pushed the jeans from one corner of the closet to the next. I even got out the matt and rotary cutter, but didn't get much done.
    Oh well!


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