Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spring, hurry, please!

Pretty please?? I'm so ready for this cold to be gone. Spring fever has really set in. I've ordered more chicks, from the local feedstore, IFA, and they'll be here mid March. They get all the pre-orders together, add some more to it for their annual "chick days", and get in a few big orders. I've got 7 more Gold Sex Link pullets, 20 cornish cross meat birds, and 5 Royal Palm turkeys coming. I can't wait!! Hmm...where am I going to put them all tho?? lol I'll figure it out.

I've almost got all my seeds for the garden. I do need to get my garden planned out, crops rotated properly and all that. Compost pile is going well. I had Mikey build me a circle of fence to put it all in. But it's looking huge! Hopefully it will all get cookin when the weather warms.

And to make my spring fever worse, I've already got some plants coming up in my flower beds under the dining room windows! From all the bulbs that I put there last fall. Fingers crossed for some Pink Tulips!

We did have about a week of nice weather. Annual spring fake-out. 50ish during the day, most of the snow melted, the mud from that was almost gone, and then I woke up to snow! Booo! I know we need the moisture, and the rain/snow yesterday helped, but....can it be spring now??

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Thankx for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your little trip to the NV High Desert.