Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beverly Hills...

That's where I want to be. Have you heard the very catchy song by Weezer? It makes me think of this sign. Beverly Hills, Nevada. Hehehehe.

Beverly Hills, Nevada is about 20 minutes down the freeway from my house. In between Wells and Elko.

Notice the bullet holes in the exit sign? Cracks me up!
This is one side of the freeway exit that is Beverly Hills. Lovely rolling ranches. Quiet. Peacful.
This lovely little Mountain Retreat was for sale a while back. Not sure how much they wanted for it. Log cabin, 40 acres, nice little quakie draw, the deer come down. Probably some Elk too.
This is the other side of the freeway exit. There is a ranch or two tucked back against those mountains. Lots of wide open space.

I've never been to Beverly Hills, CA, but honestly don't think I ever care to go there. It doesn't hold a candle to Beverly Hills, NV!

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Thankx for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your little trip to the NV High Desert.